Grants > Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment Funding

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment Funding

Provided By: South Dakota Department of Health, Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program



The South Dakota Department of Health is pleased to announce a funding opportunity, the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment funding.  This funding opportunity is intended to support strategies that have a focus on prevention, treatment and/or management of cardiovascular disease. This may include chronic care coordination programs, care transition programs, self-measured blood pressure screening program, social determinants of health screening, etc. Successful applicants will be awarded up to $60,000, with a minimum of $15,000.

Applications must be submitted by October 1, 2023. All funds must be expended by May 31, 2024. For more information you can contact Brianne Holbeck, .


  1. Interventions funded through this opportunity must be targeted toward patients whose primary residence is South Dakota or a South Dakota tribal community.
  2. Programs will target individuals between 18-85 years old.
    • Ineligible target populations include:
      • Patients receiving hospice services
      • Individuals with documentation of end stage renal disease, dialysis, or renal transplant
      • Patients 65 or older in Institutional Special Needs Plans (SNP) or residing in long-term care with POS code 32, 33, 34, 54, or 56
    • Pregnant women and individuals over 85 years old may not be the primary target population for intervention but may be eligible as part of a larger target population.
  3. Organizations receiving federal funding such as Indian Health Service and Federally Qualified Health Centers are not excluded from eligibility.

Important Dates

Application released:  September 5, 2023

Application Due Date: October 1, 2023

Important Details

  • Selection: A minimum of three facilities will be awarded funding
  • Anticipated Award Amount: Up to $60,000 per location with a minimum of $15,000.  $1,000 of budget can be used to purchase blood pressure cuffs.


Reach out to the grant’s primary contact:
Brianne Holbeck
Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Coordinator
South Dakota Department of Health
