Community Toolkit
The South Dakota Good & Healthy Community Health Needs Assessment and Improvement Planning Toolkit supports a community-driven process for improving communities’ health throughout South Dakota.
The core process steps provide a broad view of community health needs assessment and health improvement planning actions and will guide your community through the how-to, what-for, here-we-are, and now-what stages of a community health needs assessment.
Please note: This download is a zip file. It contains folders full of tools and templates you can use and adapt to fit your community’s needs.
Questions about this toolkit? Please contact:
Sandra Melstad
Public Health Consultant
SLM Consulting LLC
Additional tools
Social Media & Communication Resources
CDC Clear Communication Index
Research-based tool to help you develop and assess public communication materials
Website that allows users to create social media posts, documents, marketing materials and ads to promote community events, community health needs assessment activities, etc.
Community Health Improvement Plan (Action Planning) Resources
CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator
One-stop-shop that offers expert-vetted tools and resources to community stakeholders who lead or participate in CHI work.
Clinical and Community Connections
Association of state and territorial health officials.