
…abetes and Heart Disease & Stroke www.facebook.com/sdhealthylife Find Your Power www.facebook.com/findyourpowersd Get Screened SD www.facebook.com/getscreenedsd Healthy SD Trails www.facebook.com/HealthySDTrails Munch Code www.facebook.com/MunchCodeSD Rethink Tobacco www.facebook.com/TobaccoRethinkIt South Dakota Department of Health www.facebook.com/SDHealthDepartment South Dakota QuitLine www.facebook.com/SDQuitLine Yum! www.facebook.com/yumsd B…

Workwell Workshop 2024

…efore using copyrighted materials included in these presentations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMEhn_u34w4 September 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyxAWll2Z_A September 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9C0B5HWfTk September 14 Watch past presentations from the 2020 Summit Please obtain permission from the author(s) before using copyrighted materials included in these presentations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUZrHrlahNY September 8…

Workshop Changes

…Calls) CPSMP (In-person *prior approval required*) CTS? CTS CTS CTS Live! (Virtual) CTS (In-person *prior approval required*) wCDSMP? wCDSMP wCDSMP wCDSMP Live! (Virtual) wCDSMP (In-person *prior approval required*) WWE? WWE WWE Take A Step & Walk With Ease (Virtual) Walk With Ease (In-person) F&S? F&S F&S Fit & Strong @ Home (Virtual) Fit & Strong! (In-person) First and Last Name* Email* Phone* Original Host Facility Name Original Workshop Start…

Schedule a Workshop

…ntrol de su Salud? Tomando Control de su Salud Tomando Control de su Salud Virtual In-person Toolkit with Weekly Leader Calls DSMP? DSMP DSMP Virtual In-Person Toolkit with Weekly Leader Calls CPSMP? CPSMP CPSMP Virtual In-Person Toolkit with Weekly Leader Calls CTS? CTS CTS Virtual In-Person wCDSMP? wCDSMP wCDSMP Virtual In-Person BBC? Building Better Caregivers BBC Virtual In-Person WWE? WWE CCG? Camine Con Gusto CCG In-Person EnhanceFitness? En…

Annual Partners Meeting

…ps://youtu.be/Qr82MVDRCnc October 12, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sty-HGwA8M October 14, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cykw0p9fP8 October 19, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_uVuw6oa-I October 21, 2021 Download Past Presentations Please obtain permission from the author(s) before using copyrighted materials included in these presentations. 2022 Presentations: Welcome: 2022 Chronic Disease Partners and Better Choices, Better…

Social Media & Websites

…Prevention Program doh.sd.gov/topics/diseases/chronic-disease/heart-disease-and-stroke/heart-health-initiatives/heart-disease-and-stroke-prevention-program/ Nutrition & Physical Activity Healthy South Dakota HealthySD.gov Opioid Abuse and Misuse Avoid Opioid Prescription Addiction AvoidOpioidSD.com Tobacco Control Quit SD quittobaccosd.com South Dakota QuitLine SDQuitLine.com Tobacco Rethink It RethinkTobacco.com Find Your Power FindYourPowerSD.co…

CDSMP Lay Leader Training

…ers. The training is facilitated by two BCBH-SD Master Trainers and held in-person or virtually, using a videoconference platform. If you are interested in learning more about being a leader, please see the list of upcoming trainings below. To learn more about upcoming leader training opportunities, please contact us. Training requirements: Successful completion of two practice teaching sessions demonstrating a minimum set of core competency as ob…

Community Toolkit

…ity-driven strategic planning process to achieve health equity. Access step-by-step guidance and tools to complete the MAPP process. Supplemental resources are available to explore healthy aging and Healthy People 2030 through the MAPP process. State Health Improvement Planning Guidance and Resources, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO). Access resources and tools to support assessment community needs and assets. ASTHO su…


…ite that allows users to create social media posts, documents, marketing materials and ads to promote community events, community health needs assessment activities, etc. Community Health Improvement Plan (Action Planning) Resources CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator – one-stop-shop that offers expert-vetted tools and resources to community stakeholders who lead or participate in CHI work Clinical and Community Connections – Association of…

Healthcare Referrals

…w to refer: Fax Referral Form Call 1-888-484-3800 Diabetes National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) For patients who have prediabetes or are at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes Year-long program led by a lifestyle coach that helps participants learn new habits, gain new skills and build confidence to eat better and become more active How to refer: Explore the list of programs in South Dakota. Contact th…